Important: Telephone mode must be activated Link, and the speech dialogue system must be switched on
Link .
Calling up call lists
Say NUMBERS DIALLED, RECEIVED CALLS or MISSED CALLS. The call list will appear in the MMI display. Say the line number to select a contact/telephone number.
Say REDIAL. The last telephone number you called will be dialled.
Entering the SIM PIN code
Say ENTER PIN > your SIM PIN code > STORE.
If the SIM PIN code is more than 8 digits long, the system will decline and give the cue The PIN is too long. If the SIM PIN code is incorrect, an error message will appear on the MMI display. If the wrong SIM PIN code is entered three times in a row, the SIM card will be blocked. The SIM card can be unlocked by entering the PUK code Link using the MMI speller or the keypad on your mobile phone.