Instruction book Audi Q5 Hybrid Version year 2014
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Select: Function selector button CAR > Audi braking guard. Or:
Select: Function selector button CAR > control button Car systems* > Driver assist > Audi braking guard.
  • System - Braking guard can be switched on/off. When you switch on the ignition, the message Braking guard: off will appear if the system is deactivated.
  • Early warning - The display of distance and collision warnings can be switched on and off.
  • Your personal settings are stored automatically and assigned to the remote control key which is being used Link.
  • The braking guard is deactivated automatically if you restrict the ESC Link.
  • Switch off the braking guard while the vehicle is being loaded onto a car transporter, train or ferry boat, etc. This prevents the braking guard system from activating a warning in an inappropriate situation.

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