Instruction book Audi RS5 Version year 2014
 Audi RS 5   Accessories and technical data  Accessories and modifications to the vehicle
Modifications must always be carried out according to our specifications.
Unauthorised modifications to the electronic components or software in the vehicle may cause malfunctioning. Due to the way the electronic components are linked together in networks, other systems may be affected by the faults. This can seriously impair safety, lead to excessive wear of components, and also invalidate the type approval for your vehicle.
You will appreciate that your Audi dealer cannot be held liable for any damage caused by modifications and/or work performed incorrectly.
We recommend that all work should be performed by an Audi workshop using Audi Genuine Parts.
Incorrectly performed modifications or other work on your vehicle can lead to malfunctions and cause accidents.
Modifications to the front of the vehicle and/or to the engine compartment (resulting from tuning measures, for instance) can impair the vehicle's pedestrian protection and void the vehicle's certification for use on public roads.

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